A group of children at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee received what's probably one of the coolest surprises ever: Three window washers, Jordan Emerson, Steve Osczaniec and Danny Oszaniec, decided to dress up as superheroes Spiderman and Captain America to surprise the kids at the hospital as they washed their windows.
Hospitals are usually not homey places, but the show that these amazing men put on for the children made all the difference. And it couldn't have happened at a better time as Halloween is right around the corner!
It was a really sweet gesture for the men to want to do something that would cheer up the young patients–heck, even as an adult I would appreciate it! A hospital isn't an ideal place for anyone, let alone a kid to live, so for them to have been received this special surprise is really sweet.
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Emerson says the idea came to him after many of the patients would ask them if they were Spiderman as they washed the windows at the hospital. Well, apparently they are now! We love the amazing spirit these men have shown in deciding to do this and make the kids forget–even for a little bit–about why they're in a hospital.
In addition to scaling the 12-story building as the famed superheroes, the trio also took pictures with their mini fans. I'm sure this won't be the last time they pull a thoughtful gesture for these lucky kids. I wonder what they have in store for the holidays!
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfhR-SNhi0A&feature=player_embedded
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