Most of the time, when we hear about a Latina role model, it's in regards to a celebrity, a politician, or even a CEO. But few stories have ever inspired me more than that of one seemingly ordinary woman. We've already introduced you to Lizzie Velasquez, who was once labeled the "Ugliest Woman on YouTube," simply because she suffers from an undiagnosed condition that dramatically altered her appearance. Now just in time for the release of her second book on September 1, Velasquez is speaking exclusively to us about how she managed to rise above the haters.
Velasquez is only one of three people in the world who have an unnamed condition that prevents her from gaining weight. At 23, she has never weighed more than 62 pounds, despite the fact that she eats small meals constantly throughout the day. Her illness has led her to be taunted and bullied for years in her hometown in Texas, but Velasquez made worldwide fame when she took to YouTube to tell her story. Though she's since gained a lot of haters, she's also gained a ton of support–and is now a motivational speaker, an author, and an international figure of hope and inspiration for millions.
Read more ¿Qué más?: 23-year-old Latina labeled "Ugliest Woman on YouTube" shows the world what REAL beauty is all about
So how in the world did she manage to rise above it all? Velasquez credits her family, and in particular her parents, for getting her through the dark days. "Since I was really young, they instilled in me this inner strength and told me, 'No matter what comes your way, the good or bad, you're always going to come out above it,' " she said.
And that unwavering support has been even more crucial for her now that she has become an online sensation. Though at home, Velasquez says she still lives a normal life spending time with her HUGE Mexican family (her mom has 10 brothers and sisters!) and eating traditional Mexican food, she also says she randomly gets recognized on the street and often receives international emails from people overseas. "It's weird, but it's cool. If I'm out and I'm recognized by a little kid and they thank me…it's just a cool feeling," she said. "I still kind of can't believe it. I'm just Lizzie."
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Now, Velasquez is once again using her story to help others face their own obstacles. In her second book, Be Beautiful, Be You, Velasquez provides advice and step-by-step instructions for teens and young adults on how to overcome bullying and how to learn self-esteem. One of her favorite tips which she herself used in the past? Creating what she calls a "Love Yourself List," in which an individual writes down all their best qualities and displays it somewhere they can see it.
Personally, I consider it an honor to have spoken to Velasquez and I'm sure the book, like all of the rest of Velasquez's projects, will be a success. But regardless of that, one thing's for sure: Velasquez has already proved to the world and to herself that she's much more than "just Lizzie."
Image via Lizzie Velasquez/twitter