Super kid to the rescue! A brave and quick-thinking 8-year-old boy saved his pilot father's life after the dad's plane crashed last week in Rhode Island.
Mark Simmons was hired to fly a banner plane as part of another man's dramatic marriage proposal. On Monday, Simmons' plane was carrying the sign–which read "Michelle, will you marry me?"–when an engine malfunction forced him to make an emergency landing. Though he was able to land safely, he was unable to get in contact with any help…that is until, his fourth-grade son, Ethan came to his aid!
Ethan heard his dad's Mayday call over an airport radio and decided to send a message to the Coast Guard–all by himself! How amazing is that?! I can't believe he's only 8 years old and yet he knew exactly what to do all on his own. That is one seriously intelligent kid.
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And his actions worked! With Ethan's help, the Coast Guard was able to pinpoint Simmons' location and find him. Luckily, he was not seriously injured and was even able to complete the marriage proposal flight for the man who hired him the next day. The couple is now engaged.
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Wow, talk about a happy ending for everyone! I am so impressed by Ethan's life-saving actions and even more thankful that his dad is OK. I can only imagine that he was worried for his dad's safety, but he still managed to do what he had to in order to help him–quite remarkable considering how young he is. Plus, the fact that Simmons finished the job the very next day, despite having just survived a plane crash, is even more inspiring. It's obvious where Ethan gets his courage from!
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Image via ABC News