Let's talk about foods that will help boost our metabolism, but before we do that, let's talk about what we mean when we say "boost metabolism" so that we are all on the same page. Technically, "metabolism" refers to the chemical processes that happen within our bodies that keep us alive. For our purposes, though, when we say metabolism, what we are actually referring to is metabolic rate, or the amount of calories burned to fuel all those chemical processes in your body and that keep you alive. When we say "boost metabolism," we're talking about boosting the number of calories that your body uses to keep you alive.
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Why would you want to boost your metabolic rate/metabolism? Well, as you know, burning calories helps you lose weight, keep it off, or even simply maintain your weight as opposed to gaining weight. But it's not just about weight. Having a higher metabolic rate can keep you from feeling sluggish and tired all the time. It can help you have more energy, and who doesn't want that?
The speed of your metabolism has a lot to do with your genes. There isn't much we can do about our genes, and some of us are gifted with naturally faster metabolisms than others. Still, there are things that we can do through diet and exercise to put our foot on the gas pedal of our metabolism. Today, let's focus on foods that we can ingest that will rev up our metabolism.
Asparagus is pretty amazing.

Asparagus is full of nutrients that are just plain good for you and low in calories. One of the things that helps it speed up your metabolism is that it is rich in vitamin B2, aka riboflavin, which studies have shown is "critical for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy."
Papayas are packed with nutrients.

OK, so papayas are rich in antioxidants, which can benefit your heart, brain, and digestion. They also have an enzyme in them called papain, which is associated with helping your body burn fat.
Incorporate tuna and other oily fish into your diet.

Oily fish include herring, salmon, sardines, mackerel, and tuna. These fish are high in vitamins and minerals as well as omega-3 fatty acids. They are a great source of protein, and they reduce the level of something called leptin. Leptin is a hormone that can slow your metabolism.
Are you eating enough leafy greens?

You know you should be eating them, but why? Leafy greens are high in vitamin C, calcium, and fiber. Oh, and they are low in calories. Your body works harder to break down fiber. Leafy greens you can eat include spinach, arugula, kale, microgreens, and cabbage.
Nuts are a great daily snack.

Nuts are high in calories, so you might think you should stay away from them, but they can actually help speed up your metabolism because they are high in protein and fiber. Since they are high in calories, you want to stick to about a handful of nuts a day.
Drink your water cold.

Water keeps your metabolism going, period. So make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water. If you want to make the water work even harder for you, drink it cold. Cold water boosts your metabolism because your body uses extra energy to warm it up to body temperature.
Ginger can help you burn more calories.

Ginger isn't all that pretty to look at, but what it can do for your body is beautiful. Fresh ginger has compounds called gingerols that help with digestion. There are also studies that show ginger can help you burn more calories and stay full longer.
Garlic raises your body temperature.

Not only does garlic make most savory foods taste better, but it also helps raise your body temperature. A higher body temperature means your metabolism is working harder and thus raising the amount of calories you are burning by just being you.
Berries are delicious little boosters.

So many yummy berries to choose from. Pick your favorites, whether they be strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, or a combination of all. They taste like candy, and they boost your metabolism because they are high in fiber and low in calories.
Legumes are already a staple in many diets.

What the heck are legumes, anyway? They are the seeds inside of pods. Think lentils, peas, beans, and even peanuts. Legumes are awesome because they are high in protein, fiber, folate, and iron. They also keep you full longer and speed up your metabolism during the digestive process.
Seeds aren't just for birds.

Flaxseeds and chia seeds have those great-for-you omega-3 fatty acids that we should all be consuming. They also are high in fiber and get your digestive system working to break them down.
Whole grains are the way to go.

Whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat make your body burn more calories when they are being digested than processed foods do. Many of us are used to eating white rice, and making the switch to brown rice might seem difficult. Consider doing a mix of brown and white rice to add some whole grain benefits to your diet.
Cinnamon is tasty and powerful.

Cinnamon is a natural insulin reducer that helps slow the digestive process. That means it helps you feel full longer. Your body also uses more energy to digest it, which ramps up your metabolism. Sprinkle it on things like coffee or yogurt.
What is it about grapefruit that speeds up your metabolism?

Grapefruit contains an antioxidant called naringenin. Naringenin helps lower blood sugar, which in turn helps with weight loss. Keeping your blood sugar at healthy levels boosts the number of calories you burn.
Avocados are life!

Avocados are one of those foods that are high in fat that you shouldn't be afraid of because they are still good for you. They are full of good-for-you fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. Oh, and they can help you burn fat faster. As if you needed an excuse to keep eating avocados.
Seaweed is great for your thyroid.

Your thyroid gland is pretty much in charge of your metabolism and metabolic rate. Seaweed provides you with iodine, which your thyroid needs to function properly. You can eat seaweed on its own or as part of a yummy sushi roll.
Coffee lovers, rejoice!

If you can't do anything before you have a cup of coffee, then you are well aware of the energy boost that coffee provides. Various stimulants in coffee kick-start your metabolic rate. Keep in mind that it is possible to have too much coffee, so be mindful of how much you are drinking.
Good news for green tea lovers as well.

Green tea also has caffeine in it, which stimulates your metabolism. Plus, it has catechins, which are antioxidants that can speed up your metabolic rate and help break down fat faster. Sip on that.
Eggs are great for your metabolism.

Eggs give you protein and calcium—both of which boost your metabolism—in a low-calorie form. They sometimes get a bad rap from people who are worried about their cholesterol and heart health, but a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating one egg a day did not result in increased heart disease risk.
Coconut oil goes straight to your liver.

The medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil are processed by your liver and turned into energy. Vroom, vroom! If you are not used to cooking with it, consider using it for baking or stir-frying.
Lean meats help you be a lean, mean metabolic machine.

It's easier for your body to break down fats and harder for it to break down proteins. Lean meats are all about little fat and lots of protein, which means your body has got to work and work to break them down. Plus, protein helps you feel full and stay full longer.
Chili peppers speed up your heart rate.

Spicy chilis have capsaicin in them, which speeds up your heart rate. Increasing your heart rate means you are increasing your metabolic calorie burn as well. Do we really need to tell you what you can add chilis to? Just in case, the answer is: EVERYTHING.
Disclaimer: The advice on MamasLatinas.com is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional or treatment for a specific condition. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting a qualified professional. Please contact your health care provider with questions and concerns.