Larry Hernández is sick and asked his fans for advice on how to get rid of a nasty cold and sore throat that forced him off the stage in California. The home remedies people gave the Mexican American singer range from hilarious to the seriously effective. Here are some of the best ones.
Read more en ¿Qué más?: 10 Things you didn't know about Larry Hernandez
Image vía NBC Universo
Larry has a terrible cold

The Mexican-American singer used his Instagram account to post a video – sounding pretty sick- asking his fans for home remedies to deal with his sore throat and his cold.
Garlic and arnica

Make a mix of sliced garlic and lemon juice and gargle it. In addition, la.morennaa recommends arnica.

Bring to a boil a four cups of cinnamon water, garlic and a red onion. Then add the juice of two limes and honey. "I was feeling like that and this help[ed] me a lot. God Bless you Larry," wrote Angela.benitez.161

Chicken soup with vegetables and brown rice, was a home remedy recommended by Patriciabermudez1031. She also suggested ginger tea with cinnamon, lime juice and honey.
Thyme tea

Dulcedemon66 swears that thyme tea is magical to calm the pain of a sore throat.

Lety503l shared a family secret: "Slice two garlic cloves as thinly as you can, add lemon juice and drink it in a glass rimmed with salt."

Lachikituboom's recipe seems incredible: Bring to a boil in four cups of water two garlic cloves, half a table spoon of oregano and a cinnamon stick. Let it boil until it gets reduced to half. Add two cups of water. Drink one cup every night for four days.
Apple vinegar

Caracola_castaneda recommends gargling apple vinegar until the infection subsides.

This one is super funny. Berraco86 found a solution with tequila. "If you don't feel better, then you forget about it for a while "
Aloe vera

Here is my own concoction for Larry: Mix in the blender lime juice, honey and a table spoon of aloe vera gel (extracting it from the leaf yourself is best). Take a tablespoon in the morning and another one before going to bed.