Sometimes, small actions can bring on big results … especially when it comes to weight loss. By adding theses seven very simple tricks to your lifestyle, you will lose weight without even knowing it. All you have to do is work towards making these very simple tricks a habit. You will be surprised how much weight you can lose by adopting them.
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1. Examine the ingredient list: Even if the front cover seems transparent with their cholesterol free, no sugar added disclaimer, go ahead and check the ingredients anyway. Try to stay away from products with long and confusing ingredients. The best foods actually are the ones without any.
2. Don't shop hungry: We make some of the unhealthiest decisions when we are hungry. So imagine exposing your taste buds to a variety of calorie dense, sugary treats. Chances are you might not be able to resist that pack of potato chips, a tub of ice-cream, brownies, chocolates and sodas. You are more prone to impulse buying when you shop hungry. Eat a filling meal before stepping into your grocery store.
3. Eat with your left: … Or whichever your non-dominant hand is. Many times we eat mindlessly. The act of eating just becomes a thoughtless repetition of taking your spoon to your mouth. We do it while watching TV, reading a book, surfing the internet or even working. By making yourself eat with your non-dominant hand, you break the unconsciousness and force your mind and body to become aware of the actions. Every bite becomes more mindful. By doing this, there is a good chance that you will eat less.
4. Keep a food journal: By recording every morsel of food you eat and beverage you drink, you will become a more responsible eater. Every night, evaluate your days recording and ask yourself how you can make your diet even better. Additionally, if you see that you ate a lot of junk food, write down why you think you did that. When done correctly, especially when you record your feelings right at the moment when you are making that unhealthy decision, you will notice a pattern over time. Maybe you snack more when you are stressed or feeling low. Keeping a food journal will help you make smart and healthy decisions–and help you identify your pitfalls.
5. Eat protein: The easiest way to lose weight is by making sure that everything you eat has the right nutrients to make you full faster, and keep you satisfied for a longer amount of time. Protein, as a macronutrient, are extremely filling. When compared with carbohydrates and fats, the digestion of protein takes the longest, and this demanding process also raises your metabolism by 20 percent. Eggs, Greek yogurt or chicken are some healthy ways to add a lot of protein to your diet.
6. Shop with cash: Don't use credit or debit card. This will not only make your spending more mindful, but you will find yourself reaching for the healthy necessities and leaving behind the unhealthy fillers. Only bring the amount to buy the things you need. Then when you walk down the junk food isle, even if something catches your eyes, you will have to walk away.
7. Stay on the perimeters: Everything you need to reach your strongest health potential can be found on the perimeters of the grocery store. Fresh fruits vegetables and poultry are the best foods for your system. Junk food is found in the inner aisles, which there is no need to walk into.
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