The unique strength of Freekeh comes from the fact they, unlike other grains, are harvested when still young. They are then roasted which gives it its characteristic nutty and smoky flavor. Mostly used in Middle East and North Africa, it is slowly finding its way into the west. This wheat product is bursting with nutrients and as a healthier substitute, they can replace your ordinary grain. Simply put, they are a highly nutritious addition to any meal. Here are five ways how Freekeh boosts your health:
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1. More fiber than any other grain: Freekeh contains two times more fiber than quinoa and three times more fiber than brown rice. Even though fiber goes through our GI tract without getting absorbed, it is very beneficial for us. Other than keeping us regular, fiber makes us feel full fast. It stays in our stomach longer than any other nutrient and slows down the digestion of the food, both of which keeps us satiated till our next meal. Additionally, it speeds up the movement of fat through our intestines so that less of it gets absorbed into our blood stream.
2. Fantastic for our eyes: Freekeh contains two specific antioxidants called zeaxanthin and leutein. Research shows that these two nutrients can shield the eyes against age related macular degenerative disease and cataracts. These carotenoids filter out the harmful wavelengths and protect the integrity of cells. Zeaxanthin and leutein are the only carotenoids found in our macula, but since our body cannot synthesize them we need to derive it from diet. Freekeh is a great way to nourish your eyes with these powerful antioxidants.
3. It's loaded with protein: One hundred gram of freekeh contains up to 12.6 grams of protein. This macronutrient is necessary to keep our muscles, tendons, ligaments, nails, hair and skin strong. Protein also helps in the synthesis of enzymes that work as catalysts for chemical reaction, and they also help in the production of hormones including the one that regulates blood sugar. Furthermore, they aid in the production of lipoproteins, transport proteins and antibodies. When it comes to weight loss, protein takes a lot of effort to breakdown. It costs more fuel for this process. It is necessary to stimulate fat metabolism and building of muscles.
4. It nourishes the healthy flora in our stomach: As a probiotic, freekeh helps the proliferation of good bacteria in our gut. These organisms help keep our metabolism up and also aid the synthesis of vitamins. They help ward off diseases and in the expression of hundreds of genes.
5. It's diabetic friendly: Since it is high in fiber and has a low glycemic index, it doesn't cause sudden fluctuations in blood sugar. Rather, it is released into our blood stream little by little, producing a stabilized blood sugar level. Along with having a low GI, it inspires a low insulin response, both of which makes it a good diet addition to treat and prevent diabetes 2.
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