As much as I love the holidays, there's no denying they can be a hazard to your health if you're not careful. Yes, it's true. Major holidays are some of the busiest days for emergency rooms across the country. Sure your celebrations may seem fairly benign, but there's actually tons of possibility for dangerous situations that most of us never even consider. Here you'll find a list of some of the most important dangers to avoid this Thanksgiving.
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Car accidents. First and foremost guys, don't drink and drive. It may seem like we shouldn't have to say that, but alcohol is still involved in 40 percent of holiday car accidents, so it's definitely a problem. Let that buzz wear off before you hit the road or plan to stay wherever you are overnight. That said, you should also be sure to slow down–being on time for dinner is not as important as your safety.
Fires. Okay, so the deep fried turkey trend is the biggest offender here, as they have caused the rate of fire related emergencies on Thanksgiving to rise over the past several years, but also be careful with what you're cooking in your kitchen. Keep an eye out for oil drips and splatters as they can cause grease fires and be careful not to cook on too high of a temperature.
Heart problems. Over-indulgence can cause huge problems for people with pre-existing heart conditions, whether they are aware of them or not. If you already know you have a heart problem or you think you're at high risk for them, resist temptation and keep your consumption under control. This goes for both high calorie foods and alcoholic beverages. We know it's hard, but nobody wants to be rushed to the hospital with a heart attack in the middle of dinner (or any other time for that matter).
Food poisioning. Don't let the rush to get food on the table at a certain time cause you to cut corners. Food safety shouldn't take a back seat during the holidays, especially since improperly prepared food has even more potential to affect even more people at a big gathering. Be sure to thoroughly wash all of your produce, dishes, etc. and cook your turkey until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit and the juices run clear.
Bodily injury. From roughhousing with the fam and sports related injuries to knife cuts and the possibility of dropping that hefty turkey brining bucket on your feet, Thanksgiving is rife with opportunities for injury. Just. Be. Careful.
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