They are inexpensive, highly nutritious and very versatile, but people don't eat nearly enough of them. Add these 6 leafy greens to your diet starting now. They're all bursting with powerful nutrients that will not only strengthen your immune system, but will help you lose weight!
Read More ¿Qué más?: 5 Habits you NEED to stop to fight belly fat
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lthough low in calories, Arugula contains substantial amount of nutrients. When compared with iceberg lettuce, it contains many times more calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Iron. Just like kale, it contains cancer-fighting glucosinolates, which when in our body, are converted to isothiocyanates. It is very rich in beta-carotene, which prevents macular degeneration. It is low in a compound called oxalate, which makes the process of calcium absorption harder.

The beauty of kale lies in its ability to nurture your body with a wide variety of nutrients while not adding inches to your waistline. For greens, kale contains a huge amount of dietary fiber. This adds bulk in our stomach, which then promotes the feeling of fullness. This rich green cruciferous vegetable contains antioxidants, along with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous nutrients. It lowers both oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, both of which can compromise our immune system and put us at risk for major diseases. Just one cup of Kale contains more Vitamin K than any other food; this nutrient plays a vital role in regulating a healthy inflammatory response. Kale is high in cancer preventing compounds called glucosinolates, which our body digests and converts into cancer-fighting compounds. Research also shows that it helps reduce cholesterol.
Collard greens

Infused with lots of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, fiber, calcium and other beneficial nutrients, this fat-fighting green should definitely a part of every weight loss diet. It prevents cancer by nourishing our body's inherent detox, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory system. It contains valuable nutrients to strengthen our overall immune system. The four glucosinolates present in collard greens are glucotropaeolin, glucobrassicin, glucoraphanin and gluconasturtiian, all of them preventing our cells from becoming cancerous. They also keep our stomach lining healthy by preventing the growth of harmful bacteria.
Beet greens

Although many people only consume their beautiful purple top, the greens are where the most nutrients lie. They are one of the most potent sources of iron, containing 15% of the daily-recommended value in just one cup. It has a high amount of both calcium and magnesium. Beet greens are also rich in carotenoids like lutein and beta-carotene, helping prevent macular degeneration.
Swiss chard

These sweet and salty leaves are incredibly rich in minerals. They contain 13 varieties of polyphenol antioxidants, especially syringic acid, a compound that has been shown to stabilize blood sugar. Swiss chards are also loaded with phytonutrients in the form of betalains. Along with having strong antioxidant properties, they are anti-inflammatory and powerful detoxifiers. These beautiful greens with rainbow colors in its stalks are vested with powers to make our bones stronger, reduce our risk for high blood pressure and even arthritis.
Turnip greens

Although bitter, turnip greens are incredibly rich in calcium. They are also high in glucosinolate, which contains powerful anti-cancerous properties. They contain robust antioxidants, which efficiently activate enzymes that promote detoxification. They specifically contain immense amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin E beta- carotene and manganese. Most potent antioxidants contained in these leaves include myricetin, quercetin, isorhamnetin, and kaempferol, all of which keeps our heart, stomach and immune system working perfectly.