I'm big on the whole DIY thing and so was my abuela when it came to home remedies. I mean most of the time, why not try something you can make yourself? Well, now I'm thinking I need to be a bit more cautious when it comes to home remedies because I'm finding that some of them can actually be dangerous. The crazy thing is that I have totally tried some of these and I bet you have too!
Sorry abuela, but I'm going to have to say goodbye to some of your recommended home remedies.
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Here are seven home remedies you should never try at home and why.
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Mantequilla for burns

What is up with everyone's abuela always saying to put butter on burns? I was always skeptical of this one even when I was a kid. Putting butter on a burn can actually set you up for an infection, so don't do it … EVER! Save it for your toast, por please.
Mayonnaise for lice

Rubbing mayonnaise on piojos will suffocate some, but it won't kill the eggs. Plus guacala!
Toothpaste for acne

I totally did this as a teenager. Once I put toothpaste all over my face and fell asleep. When I woke up, my whole face was swollen because toothpaste has ingredients in it that can actually irritate your skin. So then I had pimples and a swollen face, but at least I smelled fresh.
Egg white mask

My mom used to give herself egg white masks all the time when I was a kid. When the egg white dries, it makes your face look and feel tighter, but really it only lasts while the egg is on your face. It's dangerous because … hello, ever heard of salmonella?
Petroleum jelly as lube

Mamas, you should only ever be using water based lubes. Petroleum jelly in your hooha sets you up for a bacterial infection and that's not sexy.
Coffee for hangovers

I love coffee, LOVE IT, but the reason it's not good for you when you have a hangover is that too much alcohol the night before leaves you dehydrated. Too much coffee the next morning is going to further dehydrate you. So sip on a tiny bit of coffee if you must, but chug on water.
Garlic for yeast infections

Some people say that if you have a yeast infection and you put a clove of garlic in your vagina it will help the infection go away, but putting a piece of garlic up in there might actually make your infection worse. And what if it gets stuck in there? Then you have to go to the doctor and say, "I have a yeast infection and I think I may have lost a piece of garlic up in there too."