Weight loss is a hot topic right now with new diets, pills, detox products and hundreds of exercising videos from every celebrity out there. There is an information and misinformation overload often paid by marketers pushing their products. We know about eating healthy, small portions and exercising, but if you live in the real world like me, you know that sometimes that's impossible. So, what to do if you want to lose weight all day long? The answer is planning. Like any issue, you have to be prepared to tackle weight loss.
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Let's think panic bottom. You have a nine plus hour job, you are sitting most of the day and you eat junk because you are stressed and that's the only food choices available. Help! These are probably some of the situations you are facing and we'll tell you how to shed some pounds while you are eating.
1. You don't have time to eat a healthy breakfast: So, you take a bite of your kid's leftover bagel, maybe eat the whole thing. As you approach your job, you buy a roll with butter or eat the pastries at the office. Enough! Buy Greek yogurt–if you don't like the taste get the flavored variations. This is your healthy breakfast! You'll be full after eat one of those babies because they are packed with fiber.
2. You are a perpetual snacker: Keep nuts, granola bars and couple of bananas lying around. You snack because you are nervous and not because you are hungry. Sometimes we are happy just moving our mouth. Chew sugar free gum, because it will replace your emotional eating.
3. You don't have time to bring work a home cooked lunch: This is very common, so you end up spending money and gaining calories from the fast food joint across the street, the pizza guy in the corner or just eat a bowl of cereal with milk. These are all fat gaining solutions. I know you don't have time to cook, but you can make your own smoothie at work. Most office's kitchens have a blender so buy kale, spinach, Greek yogurt and fruits to twist your lunch every day.
4. You go to work dinners most nights: This is a big one because you don't want to be the colleague not eating at the table. Make sure you are going to dinner full. Eat before so you won't be starving and order everything on the menu. Save the calories for the drinks and if you are really counting them order a vodka drink or any other low-sugar spirit. Stay away from wine!
5. You don't like vegetables: Don't worry, it doesn't mean that you will be heavy for life. Learn to love fiber! Turn your diet into a high-fiber one so you can lose weight. Foods like beans, whole-wheat grains, barley, peas and berries will make you feel full and satiated.
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