I'm always so impressed by moms that are able to quickly bounce back after pregnancy. But when you weigh over 200 pounds, it can be a serious challenge. For Carra Hughes Greer, it was a challenge she was willing to take. After giving birth to four kids in under four years (the last two kids being twins), Greer gained a ton of weight. She was 5-foot-6 and 265 pounds and was going to do whatever it took to get healthy again. You have to see the before and after pics!
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For Greer, gaining those extra pounds during her last pregnancy was tough, especially because she's always been an athlete. "I knew while carrying the twins that my life would be totally different after giving birth," she told the Huffington Post. "Not only would I have two newborns and two other children, but my eating and exercise had to be kicked up a notch."
Greer almost immediately started to make some big health changes. She joined a gym and was going two to three times a week. She started eating more fresh fruits and vegetables and less red meat. And she made sure to keep herself mentally and spiritually balanced, with the help of her therapist and faith community. "Having my twins was a wonderful surprise that I knew would force us to hit the reset button … I set a goal to become a certified fitness trainer, and I reached that goal, even with four kids," she said. She's even started her own business, Carra Greer Fitness. "I want to help people live longer, fuller lives," she said.
Carra now weighs 184 pounds and looks amazing! But she still plans on losing an extra 25 to 30 pounds. "This is about showing all those people who rubbed my pregnant belly and said, 'You'll never be the same,' that, no I will never be the same and my body will never look the way it did–because I am now a mom. I created four lives. My body is different, but my body is strong."
It's not always easy losing those extra pounds you gain through pregnancy. Who has the time when you're busy taking care of a new baby? But this woman proves that with determination anything is possible. Your body might be different after you have a baby but that doesn't mean it can't be healthy, strong and in shape!
Image via Carra Hughes Greer/Facebook, Huffington Post