Let's face it, very few of us are happy with our weight. We always feel like we can slim down a few pounds to reach our ideal number on the scale. Tons of diets, fitness programs and pills swear they will help us conquer weight loss, but few actually work. It turns out you don't even have to pay money to lose weight! There's a pretty bright solution to our weight issues. The sun, my friend, is your best ally to lose those extra pounds. According to a study from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, soaking up the sun for 30 minutes a day is all it takes to lose weight!
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Scientists grouped fifty four 30-year-old participants. They were given a wrist monitor and a journal. The monitor was used to record the amount of sun they received during the week the study lasted. In the journal they had to write the number of calories they ate during the day. It turned out that the people who received more sun had a lower body mass index (BMI) than their counterparts. This is because the morning sun (8:00 a.m. to 12 p.m.) has blue light. Blue light is responsible for running the circadian rhythm or internal clock. Basically, people who were up early and out in the morning synchronized their bodies with the sun; they went to bed early and got more sleep. As you may know, sleep plays an important role in weight loss because helps our metabolism.
I think there is no real mystery here. The body needs sunlight to produce Vitamin D, of which many people have a deficiency. The problem is that we don't spend that much time outdoors. Vitamin D is the main source of calcium, which is good for our bones.
This information should be enough for you to make an effort to get more sunlight in the mornings. How to do this, you may be wondering? Especially if you have kids to take care of or an office job to commute to! A few simple tips: drink your coffee outside, take baby for a morning stroll or take a short walk at lunchtime. Remember, all it takes is 30 minutes of sun a day to shed those extra pounds!
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