Whether you overdid it at the gym, walked further than normal, or sat for long periods of time, chances are you are have experienced body soreness. It happens when you overexert your muscles and it can be both a good or bad thing. Sometimes it means you worked muscles you never knew you had, and other times it means you did an activity past the point of comfort in a bad way. Normally, the first thing we do when we feel this type of pain is take ibuprofen, but that can come with some health risks. If you become too dependent on them it can actually lead to liver, stomach, kidney and intestinal damage.
Scary, right? The good news is there are more safer ways to get rid of pain without setting foot near your medicine cabinet.
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I recently ran my first half marathon and as exhilirating as it was, it also did a number on my body. I experienced a type of soreness from my hamstrings to my shoulders that I'd never felt and I needed relief ASAP. I knew taking ibuprofen could only help so much and I normally try to steer away from medications as much as possible. Therefore I did my research and learned of natural foods and spices I could find in my fridge and pantry to bring me some relief.
Amazingly, they made me feel better in a matter of time. If you are suffering from any aches, whether it's because of exercise or pregnancy, then you'll benefit from these natural remedies as well!
Turmeric: This anti-inflammatory spice is popular in Chinese and Indian medicine and is used for relieving pain, strains, joint inflammation, and even helps with digestive issues. This is all thanks to its magic ingredient, curcumin, which relieves any inflammation in the body.
Pineapple: This sweet fruit contains bromelain which is an enzyme the body needs to reduce swelling, and other muscle injuries.
Bananas: This trusty fruit contains potassium which is important to prevent and relieve muscle cramping.
Tart fruits: Whether you choose pomegranates, cherries or acai berries, tart fruits are key to reducing muscle soreness. You can have them fresh or as a juice, but make sure they are free of sugar and concentrated in the actual fruit juice.Tart fruits contain anthocyanin which is what helps relieve any soreness you may have.
Ginger: This potent spice contains anti-inflammatory properties that the Chinese have used for years to relieve pain. Add the fresh version to food, your tea or even on a compress dipped in hot water before applying it to the affected area.
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