3 Sneaky things that are making you fat

We are all aware of obvious things in our lives that promote packing on the pounds. Things like mindless eating, not exercising enough, finishing everything on our plate even though we were full about half way through. But there are some other not so obvious things that also lead to weight gain and I have to say that I found some of them surprising and I think you will too.

It's good to know what sneaky things are conspiring to make you gain weight so you can be on the lookout for them and be more aware.

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Here are three sneaky things that are making you fat:

1. Eating with others. What?! Apparently eating with just one other person will make you eat 30 percent more calories than you would if dining all alone. Oh, and eating with seven other people can have you consuming 100 percent more calories. Wow!

2. Buying in bulk. Sure it is economical, but having huge packages of food where you can see them, will make you eat more. You can fight this by keeping large packages out of sight.

3.Digital scales. You know those digital scales that weigh you up to two decimal points? Well, if you have one, get rid of it. Having that preciseness can be discouraging and make you want to give up. The mechanical scales are better for your outlook because they give you a range.

Check out experts Dr. Brian Wansink, author of Mindless Eating and Slim by Design and Lisa Schmidt the Mindful Nutritionist talk about these sneaky weight saboteurs and what you can do about them.

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