A 4__-month-old baby boy from Maryland was born with the strangest condition__ I've ever heard of. The baby boy's head was growing faster than normal. Doctors suspected something was off and did a brain scan that revealed he had a tumor in his brain that contained something that shocked me. You'll never believe what they found.
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Doctors discovered teeth forming in his brain caused by a rare brain tumor. Yes, teeth! In fact, he's actually the first person on the planet to have structures very VERY similar to teeth forming in this specific type of brain tumor. Isn't that crazy? If that was my child I'd be scared out of my mind!
Luckily, the doctors were able to successfully remove the tumor that contained the formed teeth. But what kind of condition did this poor infant have exactly?
Well according to reports, doctors discovered that the boy had craniopharyngioma, a rare tumor that doesn't necessarily spread but can grow to the size of a golf ball. The reason why the boy's tumor had formed teeth is because the same cells that make teeth were found in the tumor. The crazy thing is, doctors have NEVER actually seen this on anyone else.
"It's not every day you see teeth in any type of tumor in the brain. In a craniopharyngioma, it's unheard of," Dr. Narlin Beaty, a neurosurgeon at the University of Maryland Medical Center who performed the boy's surgery, told Live Science.
The good news is the boy seems to be recovering well from the surgery. Meanwhile, the teeth found in his tumor have been sent to a pathologist for further investigation. "He's doing extremely well, all things considered," Dr. Beaty said. "This was a big tumor right in the center of his brain. Before the modern surgical era this child would not have survived."
I can't even imagine how I would have reacted had I discovered that my child not only had a tumor in their brain but teeth forming in their tumor. I'm relieved to hear that the baby boy is doing well and hoping that doctors will be able to find more information as to how these types of tumors even develop, so that no other child is ever affected by this rare condition.
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