Toxic butt injections are killing people & you need to know (WARNING : NSFW PHOTOS)

It will come as no surprise to you that an ample butt has many admirers. Big booties are all the rage in many Latin American countries and they are pretty darn popular in certain places in the United States, like Miami, Florida. People go to extremes to achieve their version of the ideal butt and that has led to some unbelievable sketchy, dangerous and horrifying procedures for butt enhancement. There are people out there getting injections of  things like mineral oil, fix a flat, and who knows what else into their posteriors by unlicensed individuals. The initial results can be quite satisfying and visually appealing, but as the years pass these substances that were never meant to be absorbed by a human body turn into visual nightmares that can even lead to death. I am not kidding you that looking at images of what has happened to some people made me cry, gag, and feel chills. I have no doubt you will have a very powerful reaction to these images as well.

Read more ¿Qué más?: Butt enhancement surgery is now 'big' business in the U.S.

Told you,  it's absolutely shocking. I would not wish this type of reaction on anyone.

Watching ViceMagazine's video report, Buttloads of Pain, is painful, but I think it is worth suffering through the pain of watching it, if it will stop anyone from making the type of misguided decisions that end with them having some kind of illegal butt enhancement.

These types of services are referred by word of mouth and I think we need to use word of mouth to stop them as well. Please do not go to someone who is unlicensed to do anything like this to your body. If you feel like you have to do something to change your body, go to a board certified doctor. Saving money by giving it to a charlatan who pretends to know what they are doing when in reality they are breaking the law, is really paying someone to do irreparable damage to you.

I'm not even exaggerating as you will see if you choose to watch the report below. Please do not watch it at work and do not watch it with children around; it's horrifying.

Images via Thinkstock and Vice