One of my favorite products to use for all things beauty, health, and weight loss is apple cider vinegar (ACV). This remedio has been around for ages and serves SO many purposes that I don't want you to miss out on.
Apple cider vinegar is a cheap and versatile item to keep around the home, and you'll never believe all the amazing benefits this miracle vinegar has to offer. Read on!
Read more ¿Qué más?: Apple cider vinegar drink will detox your body & help you lose weight
People usually think I'm crazy when I say I use apple cider vinegar for just about everything, but I swear the stuff works! Keep in mind when purchasing ACV that it should be organic in order for it to work properly. My favorite is Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar Organic Raw.
Check out the many uses of apple cider vinegar below and prepare to be amazed!
Cures nail fungus: If you suffer from this unsightly issue, you can get rid of it by soaking your feet in 1 cup of ACV diluted in water.
Skin toner: Mix equal parts ACV with water and apply to your skin with a cotton ball. The best part is if you suffer from acne, it helps dry breakouts fast.
Hair rinse: If you suffer from dandruff, dry scalp, or oily hair, this is the perfect cleanser for you. The ACV helps get rid of build-up and soothes the scalp when left on for a half hour a few times a week.
Veggie and fruit wash: Don't shell out money for expensive produce cleaners. Instead mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar and a quart of water to rinse and clean your fruits and veggies.
Weight loss: Vinegar is known to suppress appetite which is why this remedy works well if you are looking to lose a few pounds. Mix two teaspoons with water, raw honey, and lemon and drink daily. As always with a medical treatment, consult with your doctor first.
Detoxifies: ACV flushes out your liver, breaks down fat, phlegm, gets rid of toxins, and replaces nutrients you lose as you cleanse your body.
Eases digestion: If you suffer from stomach problems taking ACV can help to break down food and ease indigestion.
Cleaning spray: Avoid harsh chemicals in cleaning products by switching to ACV. By mixing one part water and one part ACV to a spray bottle, you can use it to clean your bathroom, kitchen, cabinets, even hardwood floors.
Deodorant: If you're out of deodorant opt for this vinegar. It blocks sweat but still lets your skin breathe with just a tiny amount.
Gets rid of colds and allergies: The vinegar helps break down mucus and sinus congestion which quickly brings relief. Mix a teaspoon in water or hot tea.
*Disclaimer: Women who are or may be pregnant are not advised to drink organic apple cider vinegar because it is unpasteurized. Please consult with your doctor before taking this supplement*
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