I'm sure we don't often think twice about our pee when we go to the bathroom. We just do our business and carry on like normal. However, it is important to be aware of the color, smell, and frequency of your urine. You would be surprised how your pee can tell you A LOT about your current health.
Whether you think you're healthy or not, understand what your pee is trying to tell you is key to staying well.
Read more ¿Qué más?:4 Things your poop can tell you about your health
Have you ever noticed how certain foods can trigger a distinct smell in your urine? Although that shouldn't be a cause for a alarm, it is vital to keep track of your bathroom habits.
You would be surprised to know what your pee can detect about your health. From breast cancer to your life expectancy, these are some of the many things your pee can tell you. If you're curious to find out what else your pee can inform you about your overall health, check out our findings below.
You're pregnant: If you find yourself frequenting the bathroom more often than normal, chance are you are pregnant. If you take an at-home pregnancy test, the hormone hCG can be easily detected by the test stick.
Diabetes: If your pee has a sweet smell to it, you might want to check in with your doctor. This can be a sign that your body isn't processing glucose well and can be an indicator of diabetes.
UTI: Feel a burning sensation down there? You could be suffering from a UTI if your pee has a foul odor, is cloudy, and you are going often to the bathroom.
Cancer: High levels of a chemical released called pterdine can be found in pee of someone with cancer or at risk of the disease. This can help doctors catch the cancer faster than through regular exams.
Pay attention to its shade: Unless it's tied to foods you ate, if your pee is dark yellow or orange it can indicate that you are dehydrated. Bloody urine can mean you have kidney stones, a UTI or bladder or kidney tumors.
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