Yeast infections are something every woman knows about and what sucks is they can pop up at any given moment. Many things can factor into whether you are prone to yeast infections, but the good news is that you can have it medically treated.
However, sometimes those methods can be a risk and you want other options. Therefore we found some natural ways to combat that pesky candida.
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Yeast infections are annoying, itchy, embarrassing and when you start feeling one coming on, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. The problem is sometimes you don't have the means to go to a doctor or to see one right away. Therefore you're left with no choice but to treat it yourself.
Now, we're not saying you should ignore your doctors orders, but there are some easy ways to naturally get rid of a yeast infection before it's fully onset. It wouldn't be a surprise if some of our own abuelas used some of these methods back in the day when Monistat wasn't around.
If you feel one flaring up, check out our natural solutions below!
Eliminate yeast from your diet: Too many breads, sugars, vinegars and dairy can cause a yeast infection, therefore it's best to get rid of them from your diet for the time being.
Up your probiotics: Taking a probiotic supplement may help you clear up that yeast infection fast. It helps add some of that "good" bacteria your body is lacking and helps reduce their occurences.
Eat garlic: Add garlic to your next meal to get rid of the infection. This natural fungal fighting antioxidant can even help you battle your worst cold.
Use tea tree oil: Be careful when inserting anything to the vagina, but this oil has proven to be effective when topically used. Insert a tampon dipped in the oil for relief at nighttime.
Boric acid: This natural antiseptic prevents the yeast infection from coming back. It can be taken orally and is sold in capsules in store. NEVER try to apply this topically as it can be dangerous.
As with any infection you may have, if it persists longer than it should, we recommend that you see a doctor immediately.
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