In this week's Mami Makeover blog, I'd like to talk about something that's very important for all moms: knowing that no matter what's happening in your life, you should NEVER give up!
Sometimes we come to a point in our lives when we are feeling frustrated, hurt or even a little depressed. I was there over a year ago when things weren't going too well in my personal life.
When you feel low, it can interfere with your goals because you don't feel like doing much of anything. However, I found several ways to get out of my slump. Below are a few things that helped me and hopefully if you are feeling low, they can help you too:
Read more ¿Qué más?: 4 Ways every mami can put her best face forward!
1. Play music – Whenever I felt blue, I chose to play an eclectic range of music. From up-tempo to devotional Christian songs, I needed a pick-me-up. The one song that uplifted my mood was 'Victor's Crown' by Darlene Zschech and to this day, this song makes me feel wonderful. I also listened to a ton of Marc Anthony! After listening to various songs, my spirit was always lifted.
2. Do Something Fun – It's normal to sulk around in the house for a few days, but I had to eventually snap out of it and do something fun! This was nothing but a mere setback for me and I encourage all of you to try something fun too! I hung out with my daughter and friends and we traveled to the Caribbean. It was great to discover a new place because it was an adventure to me! I would recommend traveling, joining a dance class, having a girls night, game night, comedy show or anything that will ultimately make you laugh.
3. Prayer – I don't even need to explain the power of prayer. All I know is that it worked for me. Everything I asked God for ultimately came to pass and He is blessing me in more ways than I could imagine. Because I believed, my mood changed for the better and I started to feel more positive. That anxiety that I once had slowly crept away and I actually started to feel at peace.
4. Relax! – I know it's easier said than done, especially when you are uneasy. However, the key is to just relax! It took me a while to figure this out, but I had to make myself go to the spa and relax….calm my nerves. Playing with my pets also helped to relax my inner self. After a while, you just get tired of the pity party and you long to have your old self-back.
5. Being Grateful – There were so many times that I had to count my blessings. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade of course! I found every good in the bad and was grateful for what I had. I made a list of everything I was grateful for in my life and you should too!
6. Pamper Yourself – There was nothing like putting on fresh make-up, dressing up and looking pretty! This made me feel beautiful on the inside. I scheduled a brand new photo shoot and even started working on re-vamping my make-up line. I wanted additional products that would make me feel (and look) stunning.
7. Exercise – Whenever I felt down, I would exercise. It started with hiking at Runyon with my daughter and eventually turned into full on serious workouts. Go to the gym, relieve yourself of that tension…take it out on your body! I promise, the results will make you sooooo happy!!
8. Believe In You!!! – I encourage you to let the negative emotions go and tell yourself that you can get through whatever is bringing you down. Tell yourself that you can achieve anything and do anything! Trust me, the self motivation WORKS!
9. Let's Get Organized! – My life was ALL over the place! I moved from Miami to LA, into my daughter's small two-bedroom apartment and felt so unorganized. I had so many items, so we eventually moved and I had to bounce back and get my life in order. When things in my house are unorganized, I feel overwhelmed. I despise that overwhelming feeling and my advice to you is to begin removing the clutter from your life and I promise you will feel relieved and the stress will go away.
If I can do it, so can you! Until next week, my fellow mamas. Las quiero mucho!
Check out my intense session with the wonderful Iyanla Vanzant below:
Embedded content: http://youtu.be/65TR47Pazro
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