I've been in a relationship with my husband for over a decade. We've been married for almost 6 years and were living in sin way before that. When we first got together, I was hot. Ask my husband. I'm still hot. Ask my husband. There's just a lot more of me to love nowadays. You could say I gained weight because of age, because of diet, because I had two kids in three years, or a combination of all, but I would rather blame my husband and now I have scientific proof that my weight gain is his fault. It's my husbands fault I'm fat because according to a recent study conducted by Diet Chef, the single biggest cause of weight gain is being in a relationship.
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This is one of those studies that comes as no big surprise to me because although I was not polled for the official results, I too would say,
- I eat as much as my hubby does. He eats a big man-sized portion, I do too. I used to eat smaller meals when I was single.
- We eat for fun. A lot of out "together" time consists of eating.
- We eat while watching TV. No explanation need there, I'm sure.
So you see, it's obviously my husband's fault that I've gained weight. The only problem with me blaming him for my weight gain is that he can blame me for his weight gain. Apparently, the scale goes both ways.
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