What really makes us fat? The answer you get depends on who you ask. Some people will tell you eating too many calories makes you fat. Others will blame it on eating too many carbs. Another group will say you have to stop eating so much fat. So who's right?
Maybe all of them. Maybe none of them. Because while eating right is definitely an important part of looking great, there are other factors that can keep you from getting the body of your dreams. Factors which have nothing to do with the type of food you eat. And to show you how much of an impact they can play, let me tell you a quick story about my husband Jeff.
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A few years ago, Jeff was working hard to build up his business. He was putting in long hours to reach his goals and it took its toll on his body. Because while he was hoping to build up a client base, the thing that was really growing was his belly! Why was this? Sure, his diet wasn't perfect, but there was another factor at play here which caused his belly to blow up like a balloon.
I'm talking about stress. If you want to look your best__, you have to manage your stress levels.__ It's something we hear all the time, but very few of us take it seriously enough.
Stress is a killer that can lead to many health conditions. From annoying ailments like acid reflux and skin rashes to life-threatening dangers like high blood pressure and respiratory problems, when you're under heavy stress, your body just can't perform right. It's like someone tied an anchor to you and then told you to try and swim. It weighs you down–literally. Because when you're dealing with high levels of stress, your body produces a hormone called cortisol. When your cortisol levels are too high, your body tends to store more fat, especially around your stomach. And no matter how good your diet is, you'll have a hard time losing this extra weight until you get your stress levels back under control.
So how do you do it? Obviously, stress is a part of life. We all have responsibilities. We have jobs to do. We have bills to pay. So while avoiding stress altogether would be great, it isn't realistic. The key is to increase our body's ability to deal with stress.
One way is to make sure you get good sleep every night. Getting proper rest will keep cortisol under control. You want to shoot for seven to eight hours. So as much as you'd like to watch that late night movie, if you want to slim down, it's probably a good idea to call it an early night.
Another great way to lower your stress level is to just sweat it out! This is why exercise is so effective. It isn't just because of the calories it burns. Stress is stored as tension in your muscles, so by working those muscles, you can get that tension to release. Plus, a hard workout gets you breathing deeper. Deep breathing gets more oxygen to your cells, which has a strong relaxation effect. That's why it's used in activities such as yoga and meditation, which are known for being extremely relaxing.
So don't let stress get the best of you. Don't let the tension build up, because it will cause you to lug around those extra pounds.
A lot of people feel better when they talk about what's stressing them out. Sometimes you just need to vent. If that's the case, feel free to let it out in the comment section below. Tell me what stresses you out in life. Then after you let it out, make sure you sweat it out! Make exercise a regular part of your life. It will help keep you relaxed.
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