5 Ways to boost your willpower for the ultimate weight loss

Losing weight has many challenges that range from adjusting to a new eating regimen to keeping the weight off. And at some point along the way we've all experienced the pitfalls that come along with it. An office party complete with pastries may be hard to pass up or taking in a baseball game isn't the same without having a hot dog and a giant coke.

Yep, as you lose weight you encounter lots of temptation that you want to use up on your cheat day, but what if you can't get the savory treat out of your mind? You may find yourself defeated or if you try hard enough, you'll fight it with willpower.

Read more ¿Qué más?: These 5 simple tricks are the key to losing weight

Will power is essentially the self-control you have around your favorite indulgences, whether its pizza, chocolate, ice cream or French fries. Yup, I've been there (and failed), and I know it's NOT easy. Just because you give in to temptation here and there won't sabotage your diet, but it is important to know that you have control over what you decide to feed your body.

However, when the going gets tough, that's when it helps to have some guidance. Which is why we've come up with five ways to maintain your willpower–even at the most scrumptious brunch!

Distract yourself: By drawing your attention to something else other than food, the tempting dessert won't be your main focus. Distraction is key to determine whether or not you REALLY want said treat. You'd be surprised how your choice may change in a matter of minutes if you aren't caught up in the idea.

Make a realistic goal: If you start off your diet cold turkey without letting yourself warm up to the idea of eating better, chances are you are going to fail. You have to build up to it before actually taking the leap–especially if this is your first time trying to lose weight. Remember, baby steps is key.  

Don't deprive yourself: As mentioned before, you need to improve your eating habits day by day, little by little. If you feel like you're depriving yourself of your favorite foods, that's when you're overusing your supply of willpower. Much like exercising, you need days off to recover in order for the practice to be effective.

Build good stress-busting habits: It's easy to reach for the candy bowl when you're stressed after a long day at work. This cycle needs to be cut off because it can lead to a variety of health problems including diabetes and heart disease. Instead, find ways to get your mind off of what's bugging you whether it's meditating, reading, exercising. Whatever you do, don't give in to stress eating because otherwise you'll be going backwards in your weight loss journey!

Avoid your kryptonites as much as you can: Sometimes it's easy to stay away from the foods you consider your weakness. If you love chocolate or chips, don't keep them in the house. This is the quickest way to sabotage your diet. But if you can do everything in your power to only keep fresh and healthier options at home, you are more likely to reach for them and forget that you had a "chocolate craving" in the first place.

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