With summer in the air, chances are your social schedule has gotten a lot more packed–even on the weekdays. That also means that there's a possibility you'll stay out just a little too late one night and then end up being exhausted the next day at work. Oh, and let's not even mention the perennial parent problem: Your kid had a bad night's sleep, which means by extension you did too.
Don't worry, we've all been there! The good news is there are some things you can do to fake a good night's sleep.
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Below, check out seven ways to keep your energy up after a sleepless night:
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Take a cold shower

It'll wake you up before the start of your day. At the very least, splash some cool water on your face. You'll immediately feel less tired and it will help reduce swollen eyes.
Eat the right foods

Kick off our day with a healthy and nutritious breakfast that will boost your energy and bring along more energy-boosting snacks for the rest of your day. And though you might be tempted to go for the junk food, try to avoid it. Sugary foods and heavy carbs will only cause your energy to spike and then crash.
Drink coffee or tea--but don't over do it

A cup or two of coffee or tea can alleviate fatigue, but any more can have negative side effects like headaches–which you definitely don't need if you're already tired. And make sure you don't drink anything caffeinated past 3 p.m. or else you could be have trouble falling asleep again that night too.
Take a mid-day walk

If you find yourself dragging around lunchtime, go out for a brief walk. It'll stimulate your brain and muscles, preventing you from crashing.
Drink lots of water

Sleep deprivation can be dehydrating, so make sure to drink lots of water throughout the day. Drinking refreshing, cold beverages can also help increase alertness.
Listen to music

Listen to music on your way into the office or at your desk if you're permitted to. It'll stimulate your brain and help keep you alert, especially if it's upbeat!
Go to bed early

Go to bed early that day when you get home so you won't have repeat the whole thing the next morning!!