A new book points out that women are drinking a lot more than their mothers did, and I believe it wholeheartedly–especially if these women have children. Written by journalist Gabrielle Glaser, Her Best-Kept Secret: Why Women Drink — and How They Can Regain Control, sounds like a riveting report on the alarming number of women who are turning to alcohol to escape from all their family and work problems.
Read more ¿Qué más?: You CAN drink while pregnant, but that doesn't mean you should
While I may not be one of these women, sadly, I can say I know at least a couple. They both claim they don't have a problem with alcohol at all, but feel like they're truly going to go crazy if they don't drink on a daily basis. And I'm not talking a glass of wine or a beer, like I often do to unwind once I put the kids to bed. No, I'm talking an entire bottle of wine all by themselves on a regular basis.
Honestly, I'm not really sure how they not only survive, but thrive as they go about their days, but they do… and that's what makes it even more worrisome. These are very successful women and devoted mothers who are hiding their heavy drinking secret from the rest of the world. But for how long? Eventually, something's got to give.
I don't know if you remember the case of a Diane Schuler, a mom who killed her three little nieces, one of her kids, three passengers in another car and herself as she was driving back home from a camping trip in New York. It was a devastating story no matter how you looked at it, but the most shocking part was that no one seemed to be aware of this woman's severe drinking problem.
I can totally understand how the pressures we face every day as working moms, wives, daughters, sisters and friends can feel like way to much to bear, but alcohol (or drugs) can't be the answer because most often than not the results can be devastating.
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