A 500-pound mom has decided to model for fat fetish websites in a desperate attempt to raise money for weight-loss surgery. Zsalynn Whitworth is part of a new documentary, All of Me: A Story of Love, Loss and Last Resorts, that follows three obese women struggling to lose weight. But is modeling really this woman's only option?
Read more ¿Qué más? More than half of us are going to be obese by 2030
Well because the gastric bypass surgery is not covered by her medical insurance, this is the only way she can quickly earn the money to pay for it herself. "It makes me feel like a circus freak," Zsalynn told ABC News. "But if that's what guys want to see, I go to the circus." If she doesn't lose the weight soon, she can face the rest of her life in a scooter.
This is so incredibly sad. My heart really goes out to this poor woman. It really makes you wonder why most insurances don't cover this very important surgery.
Zsalynn has an 8-year-old daughter and met her husband years ago on a website where he was "shopping for a fat girl." Regardless, she along with the other women in the documentary which will be premiering this weekend at the Los Angeles Film Festival, are tired of being obese and the limited lifestyle that comes with that. She plans to continuing modeling for these sites until she gets the money for the surgery, but in the meantime she's been trying her best to eat healthier.
Some of the other women in the film have actually had some luck with the gastric bypass operation. In fact, a friend of Zsalynn named Judy Sinclair, lost around 180 pounds from the surgery. She completely changed everything about her lifestyle afterwards from her hairstyle to her fashion, and was even able to finally take up yoga classes.
I think a lot of people are very quick to judge fat people and assume they are the size that they are due to laziness. But the reality is that some people really do struggle a lot with losing weight and it's important to realize that there's more to that individual than just their weight. I hope Zsalynn is able to get the money to get gastric bypass operation and finally live the life she wants to live!
Image via ABCNews.com