I grew up in a beach town and spent my whole childhood outdoors, which is why I think there's still nothing I enjoy more than being in the sun! And though I know there can be repercussions to being outdoors for long periods of time (particularly without any sunscreen), I also firmly believe that a little sunshine can go a long way.
That's why I wasn't surprised to see a recent study that the UV rays a little sun exposure can actually help you live longer.
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How? According to researchers at the University of Edinburgh, the UV rays in sunlight stimulate our bodies to release nitric oxide, a compound that lowers blood pressure and can also reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke. The team is also planning to study the relative risks of heart disease and skin cancer with different amounts of sun exposure.
But that's not all! Besides acting as a source of disease prevention, sunlight exposure can also benefit your health in a myriad of other ways–as long as you don't overdo it and ALWAYS remember to wear sun protection. Check out 6 more reasons to get out and enjoy the sun!
Vitamin D

The most widely known benefit of sunshine is of course, some good ol' vitamin D. Your body produces vitamin D when you spend time exposed to the sun and if don’t allow any type of exposure, you could run the risk of being deficient in vitamin D. Though it is present in some foods, the best and easiest source is natural sunlight.
Better sleep

Exposure to natural light during the day can help you sleep better at night because it increases the body's production of melatonin, a hormone that helps with sleep and also slows down the aging process.
Boost mood

Who doesn't feel happier when they're in the sunshine?! Spending time outside on a nice day has has the amazing ability to improve your mood because it create extra endorphins and creates a higher level of seratonin, a hormone that contributes to feelings of well-being.
Clear skin

If you suffer from skin conditions such as acne, eczema, boils or rashes, gentle sun exposure can actually help your skin to become clearer. Obviously, you should still wear sun protection and not allow yourself to get sunburnt.
Pain relief

Suffering from sore joints? Sun exposure can lower pain levels and provide natural relief to aching muscles.
Get active

Seeing sunshine will naturally motivate you to go outside and be more active. Whether you prefer going for a walk in the park or playing volleyball on the beach, a nice day will make most people much more inclined to pursue their favorite outdoor activities.