Just a week after a Mississippi baby was apparently cured of AIDS, scientists are making another breakthrough related to the disease. Reseachers at the University of Washington in St. Louis have discovered that bee venom can actually kill HIV!
According to a news release sent out by the university, a toxin called melittin found in bee venom can attack the protective envelope surrounding the virus and destroy it. The groundbreaking discovery could lead to new treatments, including a vaginal gel that will prevent the spread of HIV and even an IV form to treat those already infected.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Toddler born with AIDS has been cured & it's truly a miracle
Wow! I don't think I need to stress the signfiicance of this revelation as it's pretty obvious. Just think of the dramatic impact this could make to the whole world, particularly in the areas where the virus runs rampant.
But while it seems almost unbelievable that the treatment of such a deadly disease could come from bee venom, it's not the first time a natural remedy has proven to be beneficial. Below__, 6 natural alternatives to over-the-counter medications:__
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Cloves received the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) Score out of all spices, meaning it is the highest in antioxidants.That also means it can act as an antidote for pretty much everything, from muscle pain and arthritis to toothaches and sore throat. Cloves can also provide relief from asthma and bronchinitis and eliminate bacteria.

According to some studies, thyme can kill MSRA bacteria, which can lead to staph infections. Extracts of thyme are also used in mouthwashes to treat inflammations and in cough drops to treat throat infections.

Ever wonder why practically every aromatherapy product ever has infusions of lavender? It helps you sleep! So if you've been suffering from insomnia lately, try investing in a lavender-scented spray to spritz on your pillow!
Wild lettuce

Wild lettuce can help relieve anxiety, headaches, and muscle pain. It can also help calm restlessness and can reportedly even help ease restless legs syndrome.

Alternative health guru Dr. Joseph Mercola has suggested that a cream which uses the eggplant extracts known as BEC and BEC5 can cure and eliminate non-melanoma skin cancers in just weeks! Why? The natural chemicals in the reportedly toxic to skin cancer cells, yet cause no harm to healthy cells.

The natural acids in tea will help soothe the pain of a cold sore. All you have to do is take the teabag (don't drink the tea!) and soak it in cold water, then apply it to the sore.