Women have long used the excuse that they have a headache to get away with not having sex with their husbands. Now it looks like that excuse may fall flat on them as new research has found that sex may cure headaches. Scientists found that 1 in 5 migraine sufferers who had sex during an attack experienced an improvement to no symptoms at all afterwards.
So why does sex help get hid a throbbing headache? You may be surprised by the answer!
I'm not surprised that sex can help get rid of headaches at all! After all research has shown how orgasms relax the mind afterwards and it's no surprise that those endorphins released reduce that pain. And it seems like sex might be a better solution than popping a couple of pain killers if you ask me!
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The study conducted by neurologists in the University of Munster in Germany, observed over 400 patients with two types of headaches over a period of two years. The results showed that 33 percent of those patients had sex during their headaches and 60 percent of the patients had an improvement in symptoms. The research also found that of the people, 36 percent of men were more likely to use sex to get rid of a headache, whereas only 13 percent of women used the act as a pain killer. That's no surprise as men were shown to benefit more from the sex as a means to get rid of their headaches.
The study found that the explanations for this natural headache zapper may have something to do with endorphins that are released during sex which allows a change in blood pressure to occur. The endorphins act as natural body painkiller and help the central nervous system reduce a headache. Brain scans also showed that the hypothalamus of the brain is affected which is active during a headache and an orgasm, respectively.
I guess using that age old excuse of having a headache can be eliminated from the bedroom now! And what better way to get rid of a headache than with sex with the man in your life? Sure it may seem unappetizing at first, but keep in mind not only will you get some pleasure out of it, but your headache will be gone without having to reach for the medicine cabinet!
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