Wait, what? Is that a typo? You may be thinking to yourself, "Why would anyone actually want to gain weight?" Most of us want to lose weight. I would say around 95 percent of my clients come to me with that goal because they know I specialize in weight loss. They know I used to be overweight myself and have developed an incredible system for getting rid of fat fast (I used that system to drop more than 55 pounds in just 90 days!).
But the other five percent of clients have no issue with losing weight. Their problem is quite the opposite. They have trouble keeping the weight on! While some of us may be jealous of their fast metabolisms, it doesn't mean that their insecurities hurt any less. They feel that they're too skinny and, naturally, want to add some healthy curves to their frames.
So how do you do that? Read on!
It isn't as easy as just sucking down cheeseburgers and cupcakes. That may cause you to gain some weight, but it is the WRONG kind of weight. That would just make you look "skinny fat" and sloppy. Not to mention, it can give you a long list of health problems.
Instead, you have to put on healthy weight. You want to put on lean muscle, the type that's sleek and sexy. And these tips will help you to do that:
1. Constantly feed your body. Give your body a steady stream of nutrients. The way to do this is by eating smaller meals through the day, about two hours apart.
2. Eat more healthy fats. You have to increase your calories, but these calories should come come from healthy sources. You can snack on healthy fats. Some good sources are peanut butter, almonds, coconut, dried fruit, and avocado.
3. Get your protein in. To build muscle, you need protein. Lean protein like chicken and turkey are great. But you want to also be mixing in some fattier cuts of meat. Like beef and fatty fish (salmon, tuna, or trout).
4. Drink smoothies. The reason you're having trouble reaching a healthy weight may be because you're lacking nutrients. A great way to easily get them in is by drinking nutrient-rich smoothies and protein shakes. You can make smoothies with fruit, almond milk, protein powder, and then add some "super foods" like flax seed, coconut oil, wheat germ, or chia seeds.
5. Don't go to bed hungry. When you go to sleep, that means you're spending 6 to 8 hours without feeding your body any nutrients, so you definitely want to make sure you eat before going to sleep. Almost any healthy snack will do, but if you aren't feeling particularly hungry, it's a great time to get in another shake or smoothie.
6. Work your muscles. Exercise will help you gain healthy weight in two ways. First, it allows you to build up your lean muscle, so all that protein you're eating doesn't go to waste. Second, it will increase your appetite, making it easier for you to eat all those extra calories you need.
So there you have it. Follow those tips. Make sure not to skip any meals. And you'll being to fill out your body. And please, if you have any friends who share your frustration, make sure to share this information with them!
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