Check your melons! Salmonella contamination has already killed 2 people

The recent deadly outbreak of Salmonella in cantaloupes is so scary. Realizing that an everyday item in your fridge could poison you is pretty horrific, and since the most recent outbreak, two people have died in Kentucky and 141 have gotten sick in 20 states linked to salmonella infested cantaloupes grown in Indiana. 

What makes this contamination more alarming is that it is the SECOND time cantaloupe has been reported as unsafe in a year. Last year cantaloupes contained Listeria from a farm in Colorado. Seriously, are distributors even make sure that their product is safe before it's shipped out?! Clearly, the FDA is NOT happy.

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Unlike other fruits that can be throughly washed to rid of any contamination, cantaloupe's pourous skin makes it easy for bacteria and other germs to cling to its surface. This makes it nearly impossible to be throughly cleansed and infestation can easily seep through. If you've recently bought cantaloupe without knowledge of the salmonella contamination, I advise you to throw it out  or ask your local supermarket or grocery store about their distributor and your concerns with the fruit.

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Your best bet would be to not buy cantalope to avoid the possibility of contracting any illness. The last thing you want to do is spend the last few weeks of summer sick in bed.

Are you concerned about the salmonella outbreak in cantaloupes?