I'm really impressed by Cameron Diaz lately, especially by the news that she's decided to write a nutrition book because she wants to help teen girls stop obsessing about their weight and learn how to live a healthy lifestyle.
It's definitely a book that I would have absolutely LOVED to see as a teen. I didn't really have anyone teaching me good nutrition when I was a kid and, despite their best intentions when I started to seriously gain weight, my parents couldn't really do much to help. Even though I am an adult, I'm pretty much on board to buy Cameron's book. I really want to hear her advice! But, not going to lie, there's also a few other things I would like her advice on…
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1. How to look fabulous ALL THE TIME: I mean, really, she's got an uncanny sense of style. I've seen her look just as gorgeous wearing a gown on the red carpet as she does wearing jeans walking down the street. Everyone has their missteps, of course, but she pretty much always can pull off anything. And it's not just her clothes, either, her hair is practically flawless. Long or short (and whether she's playing up the eyes or rocking a red lip), I just love her whole look.
2. How to date the hottest men: Let's see, she's dated Alex Rodriguez, Justin Timberlake, Jared Leto, Tyrese Gibson, Matt Dillon and possibly even Bradley Cooper, Edward Norton, Jude Law, Sean "Diddy" Combs, Gerard Butler, Keanu Reeves. I definitely wouldn't mind hearing her advice on how she got those hotties!
3. How to be confident: I hope that she puts a lot of confidence-boosting tips in her upcoming nutrition book because that's the thing that most girls can use more of. I definitely struggled with that every day as a teen and most days now. Cameron pretty much exudes confidence and it'd be nice to hear her give some tips on how to be as funny, smart and talented as she is–and how to have the confidence to always pull it off! Cause, dayum, that girl certainly does.
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What would YOU want Cameron's advice on? Share with us in the comments below!
Image via Splash News