There is this whole sneak veggies into your kids' food movement because parents want their kids to eat more veggies and sometimes kids fight a grown up when it comes to eating their vegetables. It's cool there are lots of clever ways to get veggies into your kids diet without them knowing or pitchin' a fit. Smoothies are an excellent way to do it. I would however suggest that maybe after sneaking the veggie(s) for the first time and having your child declare how delicious the smoothie is, that you no longer keep the veggies in the smoothie a secret. That way they can have proof that they don't in fact hate veggies.
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Let them watch those veggies get blended into a deliciously wonderful and delicious drink. Here five kid-friendly veggie smoothie recipes that are bound to please!
Pears & Spinach

It just doesn't get easier than this!
Pear & Spinach Smoothie
2 very ripe pears, cored and slices
2 cups fresh spinach leaves
Blend them up, yum, yum!
Banana, Kale, & Apple

This is a great way to get your kids on the kale is awesome bandwagon!
Banana, Kale, & Apple Smoothie
2 ripe bananas
3 leaves of any kind of kale you like
1 apple, cored and sliced
2 cups of water
Put it all in a blender, blend it as smooth as you like, then serve it up!
Peas & Strawberries

Just about everybody has some frozen peas in their freezer. Make this with them!
Peas & Strawberries Smoothie
1/2 cup frozen green peas
1 cup strawberries (frozen or fresh)
1/2 cup pineapple juice
Stick in the blender, blend it up, drink it up!
Banana & Broccoli

This is another super easy recipe that packs a green punch!
Banana Broccoli Smoothie
2 very ripe bananas
2 cups of chopped frozen broccoli
8 ounces of water
Blend up! Then slurp up!
Mango, Carrots, & Swiss chard

This is a good one. I'm such a fan of mango, and carrots are already sweet, what kid is gonna mind some Swiss chard in this?
Mango, Carrots, & Swiss Chard
1 Mango
2 leaves Swiss chard
2 whole carrots
1/2 cup water
Make it smooth in the blender, then drink it down nice and smooth.