Try this miracle 3-minute trick to fix your wet cell phone

People drop their cellphones in water all the time. I'm so happy it has never happened to me (knock on wood) because we all know that nowadays a cellphone is so much more than a cellphone. A cellphone is like a personal assistant or your own private secratary. It is the keeper of all your information and having to do without it for even a day can be pretty debilitating. I know, I know, we shouldn't be so dependent on our phones, but many us are. That's why when I came across this tip on how to fix your soaked cellphone in three minutes or less, I just had to share it with you because you never know when it will come in handy.

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Like I said, I have never experienced the tragedy of a drowned phone, but I do know many who have and I also see people post about it on social media, desperate for advice on how to fix their phone. Advice pours in and most of it involves using rice to help pull the moisture out of the phone, but this method is not fast and can take up to 3 days to work, if it works.

The alternative that I found involves using a vacuum cleaner to suck out all the moisture and takes about 3 minutes to do. Basically you take your phone apart, pull out the battery and SIM card, then you take a vacuum cleaner with a tube attachment and use it to get any moisture out. You do this on the back of the phone and on any area that may have holes where water could have gotten in. Apparently, the screen of your phone will fog up and when all that fog has cleared up, you are done and ready to see if your phone is back in working order.

Check out this video to see the technique in action! A lot of the comments on YouTube are from people who tried it and were able to fix their wet cellphones.

*Image via Thinkstock*