I've said it before and I will say it again: You don't always have to call in a professional to get things fixed around your home.
There are household repairs that you can tackle yourself and should tackle yourself. Why? Well, to begin with because it will save you money and also because there are just basic home repairs that you should be familiar with and be able to perform.
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You are not a damsel in distress. You are competent and capable and if you can deal with kids then you can certainly deal with a clogged drain. So put on your big girl chonies and get some things fixed.
Here are 7 quick DIY household repairs that I know you can handle.
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Unclog a drain

You can unclog a mildly to moderately clogged drain by using one cup of baking soda, followed by one cup of white vinegar. Let the mixture foam and sit for an hour, then flush with hot water.
Remove decals or stickers

Have a decal or sticker that is hard to remove? Use WD-40 to help (as long as it is not a surface that will get damaged by oil). Spray the decal/sticker with WD-40, scrape off with the edge of a credit card. Use dishwashing soap to get rid of the WD-40 residue.
Get rid of water ring stains on wood furniture

Did someone forget to use a coaster and leave a water ring stain on your nice wood table? Get out some mayo and rub it on the stain to watch it disappear.
Refrigerator not cold enough

Check the temperature dial before you do anything else. It could be as simple as adjusting the setting. Somebody might have accidentally bumped it and unknowingly changed the temperature.
Scratches in wood

You can hide marks and scratches in wood with Minwax Wood FInish Stain Markers. Just don't let your kids watch when you do it because they might think it means it's okay to color on furniture with any old marker.
Clean dirty tops of pillar candles

The tops of my candles always end up getting dusty. You can clean them with a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol. Make sure the candles are not lit when you clean them. This isn't really a home repair, but it makes your home look so much nicer.
Reset a tripped circuit breaker

Before a circuit in your home ever trips and you are left in the dark, you should know where your circuit breaker box is and always have a working flashlight handy so that you can reset the circuit yourself. It's usually as easy as flipping a switch, but if you don't know where to find that switch or it's too dark to find the switch, then it's not so easy.