So I'm reading about a study that says early humans liked to eat brains. Bones found in Kenya suggests that early humans loved to eat them some brains. It appears that these brain eaters would scavenge the untouched heads of carcasses left behind by big cats and dig in. It is possible that eating the nutrient rich brains "helped homo erectus support larger bodies, bigger brains, and travel longer distances."
None of this comes as a big surprise to me. Why? Because growing up as a part of a huge Mexican family, I've seen people eating brains for as long as I can remember. Brain tacos are not my thing, but my brother goes crazy for them. Oh and it's not just Mexicans who still eat brains, there are recipes from many countries that prove that brain eating is alive and well.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Latin slow cooker: Beef carnitas tacos for the whole family! (RECIPE)
If you think about it, many people are going back to a consuming the whole animal approach. In other words, we shouldn't be wasting any part of the animals we use for food. Who knows pretty soon we may all be feasting on brains like early humans did.To get you ready for that eventuality here is a sampling of 5 brainy recipes.
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Deep-fried brains

Give fried chicken a rest and put brains to the test.
1 head of garlic, skin on
Black peppercorns in a cheesecloth
1 bay leaf bundle of fresh herbs
1 pound brains (lamb, pork, or calf)
All purpose flour
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1 cup panko bread crumbs
1 quart vegetable oil for deep-frying
For the green sauce
1 bunch parsely, leaves only
1/2 bunch dill
1 small can of anchovy fillets, finely chopped
12 cloves of garlic, finely minced or grated
1 tablespoon capers, minced
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil, or to taste
Freshly ground black pepper
Get the full recipe directions at Serious Eats.
Tacos de sesos (Brain tacos)

Here is an example of my brother's beloved brain tacos. Recipe is in Spanish.
½ Kilogramo de Tortillas
½ Kilogramo de Sesos de Res
1 Cebolla Rebanada
1 Diente de Ajo
½ Cebolla Picada Finamente
4 Ramas de Epazote Picado Finamente
½ Litro de Aceite Vegetal Sal al Gusto
Get the full recipe directions at GuíadeTacos.com.
Brains and scramled eggs

Perhaps you'd like to start your day off with eggs and brains.
1 can of pork brains
Get the full recipe directions at Zombie Squad.
Sesos salteados

This just looks like brainy simplicity. Recipe in Spanish.
1 seso
aceite de oliva
jugo de limón
sal y pimienta
Get the full recipe directions at Mis Recetas.
Lamb brains

Don't forget about lamb brains!
1 lamb brain
1 tablespoon vinegar
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup onion, sliced
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons parsley, separated
1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Get the full recipe directions at Food.com.