Hispanic Heritage Month__ is still going strong and today I'm REALLY happy to share a delicious recipe from Honduras!
When I first heard of anafres, the Honduran bean fondue, I was REALLY excited. I've always been a fan of French cheese fondue and I couldn't believe that I lived my whole life without this Latin version. It's typically made with black beans and cheese, but red beans can also be used. You can also add in some jalapeño or chorizo, then simply serve it with tortilla chips for a fun and inventive party dip. Doesn't that sound yummy? I'm definitely going to be making it ASAP! Take a look at the delicious recipe.
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Anafres, a.k.a. Honduran bean fondue (recipe courtesy of Honduras Arts)
Red or black beans
Mozzarella or any type of cheese that melts.
Tortilla chips
Optional: Jalapeño peppers, Chorizo
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1. Sometimes you can by the beans already fried and smashed up, but if you want to do it with raw beans you can do it as well. In order to speed up the cooking of the beans you should leave them overnight in a bowl filled with water so that they become hydrated and softer. You should place the raw beans on a pressure cooker or pot with salt, some garlic, and cook until they are soft.
2. When they are ready, take them out of the water and smash them in a mortar or place them in the blender. When you have the paste at the desired consistency, get a frying pan, place some oil in the pan, and fry the beans when the oil is hot. When the beans are crispy, place them on the anafre's plate or any other container you can use. If you do not have the clay anafre pot to place the coal, don't worry, you can do this on the stove or in a barbecue.
3. On the plate that has the beans, place the cheese on top and jalapeño peppers if you want. If you want to use chorizo, I recommend you cook it beforehand to remove some part of the fat and add to the plate after they are done. Make sure that the fire is not to high so that the beans do not burn.
4. When the cheese has melted, you can start eating everything with the tortilla chips.
Image via Urban Sea Star/flickr