When I first heard about Taco Bell's soon-to-be-released gourmet menu, called Cantina Bell, I admit that I was a bit skeptical. The fast food chain isn't exactly what I would call real Mexican food or think of anything close to being quality gourmet.
Well, looks like I'm going to have to eat my words because they've released details about the menu and, I have to say, I am pretty impressed that they hired Venezuelan chef Lorena Garcia!
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Now, I haven't actually tried any of the items yet. I have a friend who loves Taco Bell (well, he loves any kind of food, honestly) and I will occasionally join him for a guilty treat when I'm craving something junky, but it's not exactly anything I could call particularly impressive. This new Cantina Bell menu, though, might actually do the trick.
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Chef Lorena seems to have enough passion (and sazón) to raise Taco Bell's food to a whole other level. I'm still a little skeptical, since I haven't eaten any of their new food yet, but I do like other gourmet-style Latin fast food (like Qdoba and Chipotle) so I'm veering into cautious optimism now. At the very least, I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and at least try the stuff.
Embedded content: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezd2Zh8C2HE
Will you be trying chef Lorena Garcia's new gourmet-style cantina menu at Taco Bell? Do you think it's good that they hired her to create the recipes? Share with us in the comments below!
Image via Taco Bell