Colorful handprints makes decorating with your kids fun

When decorating the house, I tend to rely on a lot of the basics: I like an accent wall in my living room, some bright and colorful throws to add some life and a really pretty paint color in my bedroom. I've often thought about tackling some fun Do-It-Yourself project to spice things up a bit, but I've always been intimidated by all of the different craft options out there.

Then I saw the handprints as décor idea on one of my favorite sites, They use the simple idea of the handprint in many different decorating ideas. That's when I remembered how my mami had taught me needlepoint from a young age and I knew that doing a take on this concept would be a fun way to decorate any kid's room.

Read more ¿Qué más? Atrévete a dejar que el color entre en tu hogar.

It's sort of like tracing your hand in school, isn't it? Every child has to do that at one point or another, usually around Thanksgiving to learn how to draw a turkey. But now you can put your kid's artistic abilities to good use and tackle a fun family project: handprint decorating.

Use your family's handprints to decorate the mailbox, needlepoint an outline of your kid's handprints for a pillow or even make colorful canvases to show off in the living room of your home. This project will bring the whole family together since it's easy and fun. I'll definitely be trying it out soon.

Read more ¿Qué más? Choose a color palette for your home with this new app.

How do you plan to use handprint decorating in your next home décor or crafting project?

Image via Rockin Robin/flickr