Transgender YouTuber from Chile undergoes 7 new surgeries to look like Barbie

Alicia Vial is a transgender YouTuber from Chile who flew to South Korea to undergo seven surgeries with the goal of looking more like Barbie. The vlogger told local news outlets that she is passionate about the famous doll's aesthetic. She said that is her reason for traveling all the way to East Asia to have these complicated surgeries to change her appearance so that it is more similar to a Barbie doll. 

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It all started out of pure curiosity when AliVial, the name she goes by on YouTube, saw Pixee Fox on Instagram. Pixee is one of the most well-known human Barbies, and Ali found out that Pixee had gone to ID Hospital Korea in Seoul to get her surgeries. The Chilean woman began following the clinic's account, which then started following her back. Staff asked her to become part of a publicity campaign in exchange for getting all of her procedures done for free. And the rest was history.

Alicia Vial had seven procedures in an attempt to look more like Barbie.

The famous transgender YouTuber is on a mission to try to look like the famous doll, so she traveled to South Korea to undergo no less than seven operations. The Chilean woman documented the whole process and made it clear that she does not intend to stop trying to look more and more like Barbie.

She described her surgeries to the Chilean website Pousta: "They made me V-LINE, which in plain words means they correct the contour of the face, specifically the chin, leaving it V-shaped, very Barbie-like. My jaw was rippled by a bad previous surgery; they corrected my nose, grafting with cartilage from the ear on the septum, and modified the tip, leaving it more perfect. The fat was removed from my cheeks, I had a face lift to see myself more like a girl. I had a mini lipo to fill in details in my face to rejuvenate it, and finally, part of the bone of the tip of my eyebrows was smoothed, to have a more intense and feminine look. These seven interventions were done to me in eight hours of work in the operating room."

Of course, the post-op was the most complicated aspect of her journey.

The images are super dramatic, since so many surgeries were done in a short period of time. The YouTuber's face was completely swollen, and she revealed that the first days after the operation were the most complicated.

"During the first two days, there was discomfort of lying down, sleeping badly, excessive inflammation and not being able to eat," Alicia said to Pousta. "I am too anxious and impatient, and that played against me more than any other post-operative symptom."

Her nose surgery is perhaps the most noticeable of all the procedures.

It was the most complicated of the seven procedures she had on her face, since doctors removed a piece of cartilage from her ear and inserted it in her nose to give it a more feminine shape.

The Chilean vlogger became a major sensation in South Korea.

The idea of performing these surgeries in Korea came from the clinic itself, which thought that the YouTuber would be a great person to promote its services. Alicia said that everyone in Korea was delighted with her personality, and she claimed that she even caused some commotion while walking the streets of Seoul due to her great sensuality.

The results couldn't have turned out better for the YouTuber.

After the first weeks of recovery, the results that Alicia was looking for from all these operations began to take shape. The Chilean YouTuber looked radiant posing in front of the clinic where all her surgeries were performed.

The Chilean woman documented her experiences in Korea in three chapters on her YouTube channel.

Alicia used the opportunity to show her fans how shocking her trip to Korea was to get all the surgeries she needed to look like Barbie. She produced three episodes on her YouTube channel in which she documented her experience, from the flight to the meals she tasted in the East Asian country.

The doctors explained the details of their operations.

Alicia had a thousand questions about her operations. In this case, because doctors were going to retouch her chin, the bone of her eyebrows, and her nose, it was very important that she truly understand what her physical state would be like after the operations.

Alicia is a very feminine woman.

Alicia is obsessed with looking increasingly feminine, which is why she puts all her efforts into developing a look she calls "little girl." No doubt she is on the right track with all her effort.

Her angelic face is becoming more and more like Barbie's.

In just one year, and especially after the operations in Korea, we can see the great changes in Alicia and how she is getting closer and closer to what she ultimately wants to look like.

The YouTuber is an open book, and fans can learn all about her through her YouTube channel.

Alicia does not hold back, and her YouTube channel shows her for who she is. The channel has everything from sensual videos to personal confessions in which she uncovers all her secrets. Among the most surprising reveals, Alicia confesses that she is a nymphomaniac, loves elephants, and cannot stand men who don't treat ladies like princesses.

Her transparency on YouTube has caused a lot of controversy.

In very open and honest segments, Alicia Vial gets together with a group of men and women to talk about everything, share bedroom secrets, and discuss many other wild topics that end up being part of the day-to-day life of this charismatic YouTuber.

The challenge of changing herself to resemble Barbie will continue for Alicia.

From what we know about her, it is easy to guess that she will continue to pursue her desire to look like Barbie in future episodes. Her sensuality comes from within, but all the arreglitos she needs to look like the blonde doll will have to continue.