There is no question that Barbie dolls have an impact on the body image of the young girls who play with them. They help reinforce unrealistic standards of beauty that can make girls who don't look like the doll feel like they're not good enough.
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Luckily, Barbie dolls have come a long way in terms of diversity. But Amanda Ahola, a 22-year-old woman from Jyväskylä, Finland is an extreme example of the dangerous impact that putting the classic blonde Barbie doll on a pedestal can have. In an interview with Barcroft TV, she confessed that she has spent thousands on plastic surgery to look like Barbie and nearly died in the process.
Amanda started making plans to change herself at 16 years old.
She doesn't look anything like her younger self anymore.
Her first surgery was a breast augmentation when she was 18 years old.
She started out with 400cc implants then moved on to 750cc. Amanda also had a nose job.
“My number one ambition is looking plastic… as plastic as I can,” she said in November 2017.
"Barbie is really close to perfection and I want to get as close to perfection as I can," she added. "In a way you could say that I’d like to look like Barbie. The blonde hair, the big lips, the big boobs, you know I think it’s something that when people see me they do notice the fakeness, that I’m not natural, very unnatural."
Amanda’s parents were concerned about her mental health at one point.

They didn’t understand why she wanted to change the way she looked and encouraged her to see a psychiatrist. But they ultimately let her make her own decisions about her body.
Amanda pays for her procedures herself... sort of.

She started saving for her surgeries when she was 16 years old and eventually became a webcam model. Amanda also has a sugar daddy that she met on Instagram that helps her without expecting anything physical in return. She has reportedly spent the equivalent of $40,000 on her procedures.
Her boyfriend admitted that her choices have caused friction in their relationship.

However, he has come to accept her decisions. He is well aware of her sugar daddy and doesn't mind.
Amanda’s third boob job to upgrade to 1200cc implants almost killed her.

Complications caused her to spend a week in the hospital. At one point she didn’t recognize her mom or boyfriend.
"I had quite a lot of swelling in my brain," she said. "I haven’t gotten any answers to what happened to me. I was really grateful that I was alive. I was really happy about that. I didn’t regret what happened because I made a choice and that was the consequence. But I was really devastated because I knew that this was going to be the end of me having surgery."
Despite her near death experience, Amanda wants to go under the knife again.

"Before my last surgery I was already planning on having a Brazilian butt lift after that," she told Barcroft TV. "I stopped for a minute and I was thinking that I will never do anything like that ever again but obviously I’ve sort of changed my mind and I do want to have more surgery."
Today, Amanda is even more unrecognizable.

A combination of lip filler, face filler, and Botox have transformed her face.
She hasn’t been successful in finding a surgeon who will agree to operate her again.

Amanda hopes to get her teeth done, a face lift, and a smaller waist, in addition to a bigger butt. She is wearing waist trainers to achieve part of the look she wants for now, which includes 30 lip fillers and bigger boobs than anyone should ever have….
Watch Amanda talk about her addiction to surgery below.
We hope that doctors continue to keep her safe.