WATCH: Women on YouTube are creating baby hairs & we’re not sure why

I'm always surprised by the kinds of things that go in and out of style when it comes to beauty. One second we're getting laser hair removal to get rid of our baby hairs (Kim Kardashian did that and now regrets it) and the next we're obsessing over how to slay and lay our edges. In fact, quite a few beauty vloggers on YouTube have been creating tutorials teaching women how to fake or create baby hairs and it's quite impressive. 

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If you have textured hair especially, chances are you're well aware of the whole slaying and laying of edges. It's so popular, there are even brands out there that are creating products just for laid edges. It's amazing! But who would have thought that women would be going through long lengths (pun intended) to actually cut off hair in the front to fake edges?

Jasmine Brown is just one of many beauty bloggers who creates her own on fleek baby hairs.

She cuts the hairs from the front and literally makes them herself. "So we all know baby hairs are, like, a booming thing now and I mean they have been for a while, but there are some of us that just don’t got baby hairs. You know what I’m saying?” she says. "I was one person to have full grown adult hairs trying to have baby hairs. But I just didn’t have any. I don’t know, my hair just grows so much!”

Kharissa Rae also has a cool trick for creating baby hairs.

She doesn’t actually cut her hairs, she brushes them forward and its pretty genius. “Holding my hair loosely I’m just going to start brushing hair towards my eyebrow,” she says using a toothbrush.

Lisa Ring is also a pro at cutting baby hairs.

She puts up her hair in a ponytail first. Then she brushes hair towards her forehead and cuts the longer pieces in a slightly angled way, so it looks more natural.

Creating or faking baby hairs is no joke!

But these ladies are proving how easy it can be done!