Kendall Jenner is a huge fan of bodysuits, it seems, like many celebs we've seen rocking them lately. In fact, she recently took to her app to declare her love for the trendy sartorial piece and insists that it's insanely figure-flattering. Apparently she also thinks it's the best way to go braless, which explains why we've seen her rock a lot of nipple-exposing looks in the last few weeks. With that said, Kendall might just have a point. Bodysuits are flattering on the body and look good on every shape and size. Could they be the new faja, only a lot more comfortable?
More from MamásLatinas: 7 Celebs who aren't afraid to wear fajas
Bodysuits are not new. They were huge in the 80s and 90s and have made quite the comeback these past two to three years. But they're been all over the place lately. Even Kendall's sister Khloe Kardashian expanded her Good American denim line to include bodysuits that look great on all figures, from model thin to plus-size and curvy.
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