The things some people are willing to do all in the name of vanity are pretty insane. Take Rodrigo Alves for instance. The guy has spent over $400,000 on plastic surgery procedures and recently underwent his 50th operation. Homeboy has had so much work done, he legit looks like a doll. It's no wonder they call him Human Ken Doll. Did I mention he can barely breathe?
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You know you've had far too many nose jobs when you can barely breathe because of it. "Just last year I had my nose reconstructed with a piece of cartilage from my ribs," Rodrigo told British TV show, This Morning. That helped but I still can't breathe 100%." So why does he continue to get all of these plastic surgeries if they are affecting his health? "To repair. I've had eight nose jobs, and it's just like a domino effect."
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERjmuiiBvds
What's crazy is that Rodrigo is not only in complete denial about his addiction but he also doesn't find having numerous plastic surgeries to be a big deal. What he does admit, though, is that he does take his obsession with perfecting his image to a whole "different level."
"It's a constant maintenance," he said. "I don't encourage [people] to do what I did. What I do encourage is for people to better themselves–better themselves by going to the gym and also aspiring to be the best thing possible." What's interesting though is that Rodrigo recently contradicted this with a caption he added to a photo on Instagram.
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BQJrXOcAjAG/
Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BQD_akcg_tn/
In the photo he shows off his abs while wearing nothing but a pair of white booty shorts. The caption reads: "The world would be damn well boring if we were all identical, I live by my own rule if I don't like it I change it."
In fact, if you take a look at some of his IG pics, a lot of contain a very similar message in all the captions.
"In life we have the power to be whatever we want. [W]ith hard work and dedication, my transformation is just 1/3 of what I represent. Growing up in Brazil I was bullied and discriminated by ignorant people because I was fat and ugly and the best that I could do before my transformation was to educate myself. Today I speak 5 languages fluently and I have a good British degree and that complements my aesthetics. [N]ow the bullies are the fat and ugly ones."
I think everyone has the right to do whatever it is they want to do with their bodies. But at the end of the day we need to be able to come to a place where we don't need to take measures this far to feel good about ourselves.
Image via rodrigoalvesuk/Instagram