Rimmel London’s new spokesperson Lewys Ball proves men can slay in makeup too

It's a very exciting time in the makeup industry right now. Brands are finally extending their inclusivity to men and it's about freaking time! CoverGirl started it all when they announced James Charles ass their first-ever male brand ambassador. Then Maybelline announced with Manny Guiterrez and now we're finding out that Rimmel London announced male beauty blogger Lewys Ball as the company's newest face. Diversity is taking over and it's breaking down all sorts of barries! It's a beautiful thing.

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The 17-year-old beauty blogger has nearly 50,000 followers on Instagram and more than 150,000 YouTube subscribers. Ball is included in the brand's newest campaign which also features fashion model Cara Delevingne. "Anybody can wear makeup, no matter who you are," Ball says in the #LiveTheLondonLook commercial. 

Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVZMoIQU7oE

If you take a look at Ball's Instagram account, it makes sense that Rimmel London would make him their latest ambassador. He totally slays when it comes to makeup! Did we mention he has perfect brows too?

Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BNSFMJgg1_a/

Embedded content: https://www.instagram.com/p/BPvMiPdA10g/

But what's even more important to note is how beauty brands are recognizing the importance of including male faces in their campaign. Anyone should be able to wear makeup regardless of their gender and the world is finally starting to get that. Breaking down barriers and destroying stereotypes is just the message the world needs these days.

 Image via lookingforlewys/Instagram