What people are willing to do for the love of fashion! The latest plastic surgery trend involves getting rid of calf fat to avoid "boot bulge." The calf liposuction is a real thing and it seems to be growing in popularity. It takes about ten months to fully recover from the procedure, but 85 percent of women manage to get back to their normal routines in about four to five months. The surgery itself sounds pretty crazy…
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New York-based plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Schulman told ABC News that plenty of women come into his office because they are unhappy with their legs and that calf liposuction is "definitely a thing." He also admitted, "It's a tricky procedure. You're using microliposuction to take out very small amounts of fat."
That just sounds super painful! I kind of get the allure since I'm also a woman with larger sized calfs. Going boot shopping freaking sucks because I can't fit into leather boots that don't have added stretch fabric in the calf area. I recently discovered that some brands have larger sizes exactly for people like me. It makes a world of a difference. Adjusting the products you buy seems way safer and more affordable than going under the knife!
Dr. Shulman also warns that the procedure won't work for athletic women that have more muscle mass than fat in the calf area. That's a thought! Women can also just exercise! Doing leg reps will probably blast some of the fat in that area. Or you can take the lazy girl route like me and just buy bigger boots. Whatever works for you… just don't take things to this extreme. Your legs might hate you for it when you reach those abuelita years.
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