You've probably taken a selfie with your smartphone at one point or another. Admit it, sometimes you are happy with the way your hair, outfit, or makeup looks that you'd like to flaunt it on social media. However, this becomes a problem if you feel the need to get plastic surgery simply to appear better in your pictures.
Yep, this sudden trend has swept the world of plastic surgery where doctors say one in three people who come in saying they want to look better ONLINE.
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Social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, are all focused on people's images. It's no surprise that their users which can be as young as pre-teens are putting more emphasis on their looks. The scary part is that more than half of doctors say that the majority of these patients are all under the age of 30.
The most popular procedures among both women AND men are nose jobs, but women also want face and eye lifts. Men are more focused on their hair and avoiding wrinkles. The emphasis on looking better in a "selfie" to these patients is as a means to not only look better in pictures, but to impress friends, the opposite sex or future employers.
I have nothing against plastic surgery, but really? This is RIDICULOUS! If our society is this concerned about the way they look in a selfie, we have a big problem on our hands. Can't people just use the Valencia filter on Instagram to make themselves look better in pictures? There are many photo editing programs out there to choose from if they are sincerely unhappy with their pictures. This is a crazy excuse to go off and spend thousands of dollars reconstructing your face only to appease others.
Image via Thinkstock