Is it me or do women keep coming up with strange names to call their body parts? Take kninkles for instance. It's what chicas are calling the saggy wrinkling skin around their knees these days. Supposedly it's one of the first physical indications of aging–mind you I've NEVER noticed kninkles on anyone! But if kninkles is something you worry about, you'd probably be happy to know that there's a new procedure that aims to remove it!
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The non-invasive procedure, known as Vela Shape, uses infrared light, vacuum and bi-polar radio frequency that heats the fat cells and all the surrounding collagen in the knee area. Supposedly the heat helps to increase circulation, lymphatic drainage and even cellular metabolism. All these things combined supposedly result in firmer skin and it only takes about an hour to an hour and a half.
But a few doctors don't believe it's all that effective. "With these sort of treatments people shouldn't expect too much, and they shouldn't be saving up for this kind of procedure," plastic surgeon and BAAPS member, Bryan Mayou told the Mail Online.
"The Vela Shape is a great machine for temporary skin tightening and smoothing but there is no evidence that I am aware of that it produces effects equivalent to surgical skin excision and lifting," plastic surgeon Professor Kirwan also told Mail Online. Doctors claim that liposuction is probably the best way to banish this pesky problem. I personally don't see the big deal with kninkles. Like I mentioned before, I didn't even know they existed.
When it comes to these body terms, I feel like I can't keep up. Now it's kninkles, yesterday it was "thut." Seriously, what's next? Women really need to stop coming up with these crazy body names, I'm convinced this is what has us all so body-conscious. Here are a few other weird body terms I never want to hear again!
Thut: What the heck is thut? Apparently it's when your butt loses so much definition it looks like it's connected to your thighs. And no it's not the same as a flat booty!
Bikini bridge: Women and girls all over are posting disturbing pictures of their "bikini bridge," which is basically the space between their bikini and their lower abdomen to prove their thinness.
Thigh gap: A lot of teenage girls these day have become obsessed with obtaining a "thigh gap." This refers to the clear space between two skinny thighs that don't touch. Now why would anyone want that?
Buffalo hump: This is the lump of fat that gathers behind your neck most commonly caused by weight gain. Isn't that name kind of harsh though?
Cankles: A friend of mine is always complaining about her cankles. I had no idea what this was until she told me: It's when your ankles are so thick you can distinguish them from your calves. They almost looked fused together.
Bingo wings: This is that flabby skin that hangs from your arms (between the elbow and shoulder to be more specific).
Bat wings: Is the same thing as bingo wings, just a meaner name.
Muffin top: You've most likely heard this one before. Muffin top equals the belly fat that hangs over your low-waist jeans.
Love handles: Love handles are a nicer way of referring to your chichos. I hate both terms though.
Thunder thighs: People call thick thighs thunder thighs and it's the most offensive thing ever.
Saddlebags: These are the bumps on each side of your thighs that get bigger as you gain weight. Some women have them but some don't (lucky!).
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