Hey, you know what's a totally gross idea? Designing lingerie based around characters little girls love! Can't we just leave Disney princesses alone? The latest crazy thing these poor ladies are dealing with is Japanese company Bellemaison's lingerie as sold in their "Disney Fantasy Shop."
I'm still not sure if this is supposed to be targeted for young tweens or grown women, but either way, it's disturbing. Anyone else out there weirded out by Cinderella bra and panties because I know I am.
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Unless you'll role-playing in the bedroom and your man has a strange Disney princess sex fetish (which, ok, to each his own, but ewww) there's no reason why anyone should be wearing these panty sets. Crazy thing is Disney themselves aren't even the ones selling them, which makes me questions if these things are even legit. They are only sold through Bellemaison for the equivalent of $38. Sounds fishy to me. Did I mention they spelled Beauty & the Beast princess Belle totally incorrectly (as Bell) in the ad? Yup, I'm guessing these might not be 100% authentic!
They're not only sort of creepy in their childlike whimsy, but they look ghetto (as in knock off) and crazy uncomfortable. So what's the point? The panties resemble the granny panties I used to wear rock in middle school. My abuela hassexier panties than these.
I'm not sure I can ever look at Disney princesses the same after this. Going to have to let my little niece know we won't be watching Beauty and the Beast together anytime time soon. Damn you Bellemaison!
Image via Bellemaison.jp